

Friday, December 17, 2010

On Deaf Ears

Earlier I couldn't decide if this was more of a rant than an actual blog. So I stepped back and tried to think about this in a logical way. If you look at the situation concerning the Houston Texans, what was expected of the team this year, the writing is on the wall. In saying that, I've come to the conclusion there is nothing to say and nothing you can do about it. No stats, no numbers, no hypothetical situations, no suggestions, nothing.

We all know Mr. McNair is a very conservative owner as far as the decision-making process of coach and player transactions. It is also known that even though involved, he puts total trust in the people he hires. I see nothing wrong with that at all, as a business owner you should have the peace of mind knowing the right people are in place to further grow your company. However, In this situation does Mr. McNair have any peace ? Is he truly proud of the product that is put on the field or is he giving us the classic "everything is alright and moving forward" smoke screen most business owners give out. If that be the case, he received a little bit of his own medicine from his "peers" at the league meeting. I pray he is not that naive, I really do.

Here's the deal, and make sure you understand this. We as fans or media will not have as much influence on the decisions being made at 2 Reliant Park as we think. There is the occasional case when this happens, but not in this one. Many people want "Kubs" and Rick Smith to be fired,  that is not our decision, season ticket holder or not. I'm telling you now to expect these two gentlemen back next year. Taking that into consideration, there must be a sacrificial lamb as a sign of good faith to the people  changes are being made. Frank Bush, I say farewell to thee. This is very unfortunate for him, being that the other two gentlemen didn't give him much to work with and that's why I don't fully blame him.

Once that happens, THEY will make the decision of what coaches or players to bring in next. THEY will decide who to resign, who to cut, and how to build the team moving forward. We can gripe and wine as much as we want, we have no say.  The city of Houston deserves to see an organization that wins and plays at a high level, but as Richard Justice said, the city should be thankful that Mr. McNair brought NFL football back to the city.

Continue to support the Texans if that's your choice, totally shun them and burn your tickets if u choose as well. Will it have any major effect on what's going behind closed doors ? Probably not. Of course if no tickets are sold and there are no fans in the stands it may make an impact. As a reminder,the game itself is so big that I would bet for every one person that gives up their season tickets there may be 10-20 people waiting to buy them. The revolving door never stops turning, and the money keeps coming in. To some degree you can say that the entire state of Texas is being taken advantage. Football on every level is enormous in this state, and between Jerry up north, and Mr. McNair here,  even though the approach may be different, they realize what they have in Texas and all in all it's still a business.

There are three games remaining in a season filled with ups and downs. Three games left for criticism, three games left for arm-chair coaches and GM's to have their say on what should have been done, what play should have been called, or what players to sign or cut. During the off-season, these same people will have the opportunity to once again speak, and just as it was during the season they once again  will not be heard.

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